印度人力资源开发联盟部长拉梅什·波克里亚尔(Ramesh Pokhriyal)在一份声明中说:“我鼓励教师和学生申请从2020年7月6日开始的项目,”
目前Facebook将分阶段提供这些课程培训, 阶段培训1万多名教师,第二阶段培训3万名学生。为期三周的课程将涵盖包括AR在内的新兴技术的基本原理,以及如何利用Facebook的Spark AR Studio创造增强现实体验等。
At present, Facebook will provide these courses in stages, with more than 10000 teachers in the first stage and 30000 students in the second stage. The three week course will cover the basic principles of emerging technologies, including AR, and how to use Facebook's spark ar studio to create an augmented reality experience.
近年来,随着其平台面临滥用其本国服务的问题,Facebook加大了对技术弊端的意识。去年,它与电信巨头Reliance Jio Platforms合作, 终将投资57亿美元,推出了“ Digital Udaan”, 这是该国 使用互联网的用户的“ 大的数字扫盲计划”。按用户数计算,印度是Facebook 大的海外市场。有着良好的用户环境,此次和政府的合作也为其今后的用户增长提供支持。
In recent years, with its platform facing the problem of abusing its domestic services, Facebook has become more aware of the technical drawbacks. Last year, it cooperated with telecom giant reliance Jiao platforms, and eventually invested $5.7 billion to launch "digital udaan", It is the country's first "largest digital literacy program" for Internet users. India is Facebook's largest overseas market by number of users. With a good user environment, the cooperation with the government also provides support for its user growth in the future.
Facebook的“后IDFA时代”计划:关闭针对iOS14的Audience Network?