现今,视频几乎占据了用户互联网流量的80%,移动端的视频流量消费更是以每年 的速度在增长。巨大的流量消费背后,越来越多的企业选择视频平台的营销,利用短视频等方式,树立品牌形象,拉近与用户的距离,体现企业亲和力的同时增大企业或是产品的曝光,为销售引流。
Nowadays, video almost accounts for 80% of the Internet traffic of users, and the video traffic consumption of mobile terminal is growing at an annual rate of . Behind the huge flow of consumption, more and more enterprises choose the marketing of video platform, use short video and other ways to establish brand image, shorten the distance with users, reflect the affinity of enterprises, and increase the exposure of enterprises or products, so as to guide sales.
做海外视频营销,首当其冲想到的应该是YouTube。YouTube作为全球 大的视频社交平台,每月的登录用户超过19亿人,每天平台视频观看总时长超过10亿小时,覆盖了95%的海外互联网用户,是目前全球互联网用户满意度 高的视频社交平台。除了有庞大活跃的用户群,YouTube还依托于谷歌的AI技术,可以对用户进行精准的定向和细分,针对目标用户进行定向推广。现今,很多外贸人都把眼光投向YouTube,希望以视频的形式宣传自己的企业和产品。
Tiktok是抖音的海外版,是一个以年轻人为主体的短视频社交平台,用音乐作为为切入点,搭配舞蹈、表演等创意形式,拍摄短视频并与全世界分享。目前,Tiktok市场占有量大的有日本、 、印度。Tiktok的广告,除了动/静态全屏展示的开屏广告,原生自然、又能触发深度互动的信息流原生广告,还开拓了挑战赛、贴纸等多种创新形式的营销玩法,实现品牌和用户的深度互动。好玩有趣的广告形式,让用户参与到企业的品牌推广中来,使Tiktok广告在 上脱颖而出,成为很多外贸人拓客的新渠道。
BuzzVideo就是西瓜视频的海外版,它拥有来自不同 的用户,跟抖音比起来更多元化,例如:泰国、美国、日本、巴西、韩国......覆盖了全球150多个 ,月活量20亿+。BuzzVideo经过大数据+ 优算法分发内容,利用基于机器学习的个性化推荐算法,为用户推荐有趣、有用的短视频。它会在发送内容之前分析每个用户的属性和兴趣,大数据收集用户的信息,给每个用户贴上“标签”,根据这些“标签”来推荐给你可能会感兴趣的内容。此外,Buzzvideo中的视频来源主要是PGC(专业生产内容)和OGC(职业生产内容)两种形式,这两种形式生成的高质量内容,提升了整个平台的视频水准,会让用户觉得可信度更高。
BuzzVideo is the overseas version of watermelon video. It has users from different countries, and more yuan than the tiktok. For example, Thailand, the United States, Japan, Brazil, Korea... It covers more than 150 countries in the world, and the monthly live volume is 2 billion +. Buzzvideo distributes content through big data and optimal algorithm, and uses personalized recommendation algorithm based on machine learning to recommend interesting and useful short videos for users. It will analyze each user's attributes and interests before sending content, collect users' information from big data, label each user, and recommend content that you may be interested in according to these labels. In addition, the video sources in buzzvideo are mainly PGC (professional production content) and OGC (professional production content). The high-quality content generated by these two forms improves the video level of the whole platform and makes users feel more reliable.