根据在平台上开展业务的广告 商的高管表示,Facebook广告拍卖的价格在2月至3月之间暴跌。Facebook Inc.的广告业务正在感受到新型冠状病毒的影响。即使困在家里的人们在社交媒体上花费更多的时间,在当前的经济冲击期间,广告商仍在撤退。据熟悉此事的 广告 商高管称,Facebook正在努力保持其支出能力,部分原因是追逐曾经打算用于电视转播体育的广告预算。几家在该平台开展业务的公司的高管表示,Facebook广告拍卖的价格在2月至3月之间暴跌。一家广告控股公司的购买集团 近进行的一项分析显示,3月向Facebook用户展示广告1,000次的成本比2月下降了15%至20%。数字营销 公司Wpromote LLC在同一时期将此类费率下降了约25%,该公司表示,它管理着Facebook上每年超过1.3亿美元的广告支出。
According to executives at advertising agencies that operate on the platform, the price of Facebook's ad auctions plummeted between February and March. Facebook Inc.'s advertising business is feeling New Coronavirus's influence. Even if people trapped at home spend more time on social media, advertisers are still retreating during the current economic shock. According to senior advertising agency executives familiar with the matter, Facebook is trying to maintain its spending power, in part because it is chasing advertising budgets that were once intended for sports on TV. Executives at several companies operating on the platform said the price of Facebook ad auctions plummeted between February and March. A recent analysis by the buying group of an advertising holding company showed that the cost of displaying 1000 ads to Facebook users in March was 15% to 20% lower than in February. Wpromote LLC, a digital marketing agency that has cut such rates by about 25% over the same period, says it manages more than $130 million a year in advertising spending on Facebook.
营销技术公司4C Insights Inc.的跌幅为20%,该公司从1月至3月帮助品牌管理主要技术平台(包括Facebook,Instagram和Twitter Inc.)的3.5亿美元广告支出。4C首席营销官亚伦·戈德曼(Aaron Goldman)表示:“我现在将Facebook广告定为非常便宜的产品。”高盛补充说,尽管价格下降,但通过4C在Facebook和Instagram上的广告总支出与2月相比增加了2%。他表示,在没有大流行的情况下,他预期月度增长率至少会达到10%。高盛表示,通过4C在Facebook和Instagram上发布的3月广告支出比2019年3月下降了5%。他说,如果没有冠状病毒,他预计会增加30%。他说:“这是大流行的影响:它减慢了Facebook的增长速度。”Facebook并不孤单:从2月到3月,在同级Instagram上,1,000次印象的成本下降了22%,戈德曼说。广告控股购买集团称,YouTube是Alphabet Inc.的谷歌的一部分,从2月至3月,价格也下降了15%至20%。和广告商都在拉回来的各种媒体。但是,Facebook在包括小企业和依靠它进行销售的直接面向消费者的品牌在内的市场营销人员中很受欢迎,这意味着低廉的广告价格为许多广告商带来了机遇和新的战略问题。
Facebook拒绝置评,但在3月24日表示,其应用和服务使用率的上升并不能保护其免受全球范围内数字广告预期下降的影响。该公司计划在4月29日报告其下一个季度收益。广告费率的下降使Facebook广告商决定是通过吸引更多潜在客户还是通过将积蓄带入极其不确定的经济环境来利用优势。电通公司旗下广告公司360i的首席媒体官道格·罗森(Doug Rozen)说:“目前,成本正对广告商有利。”“我们有客户问我们是应该花预算还是要达到目标:他们可能有100,000美元才能接触1000人,但是由于现在的媒体价格便宜,如果他们花费100,000美元,就可以接触2,000人。”Rozen先生说:“我们的观点是立即支出以实现目标。”他说,如果经济改善并且广告价格猛涨,营销人员可能会在今年晚些时候需要这笔钱。
其他广告卖家也在追逐。例如,Snap Inc.一直在其Snapchat平台上投放一揽子体育内容和受众,理由是粉丝仍在观看体育相关内容,一位 机构高管表示。但是,一些广告商现在正选择节省不再花在体育节目上的钱。“体育预算本来应该用于新闻和周日早上的节目,但是 终,一切都被削减了,并从媒体预算中删除了,”另一位 商执行官说,他的营销客户每年在体育上花费数百万美元电视节目。他说:“这些钱不会留在媒体上。”“这笔钱将用于客户的底线。”其他电视广告购买者对Facebook能否从传统电视预算中提取资金持怀疑态度,他们认为该平台的大多数视频节目都无法与电视相提并论。
对于想要吸引用户采取某些行动的广告客户而言,Facebook是顶级营销平台。高管们表示,与世隔绝的人们肯定一直在点击大量广告。但是他们是否已经转变为实际客户是另一个问题。该机构表示,3月份Wpromote电子商务客户的转化率(衡量人们点击广告后实际购买商品还是采取其他措施)与2月份相比下降了7%。Wpromote社会副总裁凯文·西蒙森(Kevin Simonson)表示:“人们仍在寻找东西,但他们没有购买。”该品牌的创始人说,转换率的下降也促使一个直接面向消费者的品牌在3月份将其每月Facebook广告支出减少了30%。然而, 近,广告效果和价格似乎都在回升。根据Wpromote的数据,3月30日当周的转化率比前一周提高了10%。Wpromote说,同期在Facebook上的1,000次展示的费用增加了8%。西蒙森补充说,但他们还没有回到二月份的水平。从长远来看,大型广告生态系统,如Facebook,Google和Amazon.com Inc.等科技巨头拥有的生态系统,将比流行病及其后果中的一些竞争对手表现更好。他说,他们有数亿甚至数十亿的用户在他们的平台上花费更多的时间,以及用广告精确定位他们的数据和功能。戈德曼说:“任何时候,只要有危机影响到经济,那末营销人员就必须 关注推动投资回报的因素。”
Facebook is the top marketing platform for advertisers who want to attract users to take certain actions. Executives say isolated people must have been clicking on a lot of ads. But whether they have become actual customers is another question. The agency said the conversion rate of wpromote e-commerce customers, which measures whether people actually buy goods after clicking on ads or take other measures, fell 7% in March compared with February. "People are still looking for things, but they're not buying them," says Kevin Simonson, vice president of society at wpromote The decline in the conversion rate also prompted a direct to consumer brand to cut its monthly Facebook advertising spending by 30% in March, the brand's founder said. Recently, however, both advertising effectiveness and prices seem to be picking up. According to wpromote, the conversion rate in the week of March 30 was 10% higher than the previous week. Wpromote said the cost of 1000 shows on Facebook increased by 8% over the same period. Simonson added, but they haven't returned to February levels. In the long run, large advertising ecosystems like Facebook, Google and Amazon.com Technology giants like Inc. have ecosystems that will perform better than some of their competitors in the epidemic and its aftermath. He said that they have hundreds of millions or even billions of users who spend more time on their platform and use ads to pinpoint their data and functions. "Whenever there's a crisis affecting the economy, marketers have to pay the most attention to what drives the return on investment," Goldman said