According to CNN on July 7, US Secretary of state pompeio said late Monday that the United States is "considering" banning Chinese social media apps including tiktok. In an interview with Fox News reporter Laura Ingraham, he hinted that the U.S. government might take this move and said "we are taking this matter very seriously."
蓬佩奥声称人们只有在“希望自己的私人信息掌握在 手中”时才应该下载这款应用程序。TikTok目前没有发表任何评论。
报道称,TikTok在美国和其他西方 大受欢迎,成为 个在国外获得巨大吸引力的 社交媒体平台。根据分析公司Sensor Tower的数据,今年前三个月,这款应用程序的下载量达到3.15亿次,季度下载量超过历史上任何其他应用程序。
Tiktok is very popular in the United States and other western countries, becoming the first Chinese social media platform to gain great attraction abroad, the report said. According to sensor tower, an analysis firm, the app was downloaded 315 million times in the first three months of this year, more than any other app in history in the quarter.
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