抖音及海外版 TikTok 7月收入再创新高,较2018年同期增长290%

Sensor Tower 商店情报数据显示,上个月字节跳动旗下抖音及其海外版 TikTok 的收入再创新高。7月其应用内购收入达到1170万美元,较去年同期300万美元的预估收入增长了290%。

上个月, iOS用户在抖币上消费将近820万美元,占抖音全球 App Store 和 Google Play 收入的70%。同时, 也是抖音全球收入增长的主要动力,同比增长达到777%,远高于全球平均增速。

Last month, China's iOS users consumed nearly 8 million 200 thousand dollars on the tiktok, accounting for 70% of the global App Store and Google Play revenues. Meanwhile, China is tiktok's main driver of global revenue growth, up 777% from the same period last year, much higher than the global average growth rate.

作为对比,7月美国用户在抖币上消费约230万美元,占全球收入的20%,虽然较去年7月170万美元的收入增长了42%,但与 市场相比显得相当平缓。

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In July, China tiktok and TikTok installed nearly 54 million times worldwide, up 54% from the same period last year (excluding the third party Android platforms in China and other countries / regions). Among them, there are about 5.4 million new users of IOS in China, accounting for 17% of the global total, lower than the 6.5 million new users in the same period last year. The number of new users in the U.S. market was 3 million, up 11% from 2.7 million in the same period last year.


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