
据外媒The Verge报道,《华尔街日报(WSJ)》报道称,Facebook在2017年对其新闻feed算法进行了修改以减少Mother Jones等左倾新闻网站在其平台上的可见性,据悉,该计划由CEO马克·扎克伯格亲自批准。

但Mother Jones负责增长和战略的编辑主任Ben Dreyfuss表示,在2017年和2018年与Facebook高管的多次会议中,这些高管向其保证,尽管流量可能会下降,但不会以有利于或不利于任何一家出版物或某一类别出版商的方式下降。

But Ben Dreyfuss, editorial director for growth and strategy at Mother Jones, said that in a number of meetings with Facebook executives in 2017 and 2018, they assured them that, while traffic might decline, it would not decline in a way that was good or bad for any publication or a particular category of publishers.



2019年,Mother Jones的编辑写道,该网站在Facebook上的用户急剧减少,在18个月的时间里损失了约60万美元。公司CEO Monika Bauerlein周五发布的一条推文中指出,裁员意味着公司无法填补职位空缺或开展一些项目。她补充称,她和Mother Jones的其他人并不认为该网站是被专门针对的。

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据了解,Mother Jones是一个成立于1976年的独立非营利网站,它对政治腐败、私立监狱和环境进行了大量调查。2012年9月,Mother Jones报了米特·罗姆尼有关“47%”的言论。一段视频显示,这位共和党总统候选人在一场私人筹款活动中称,47%的支持奥巴马总统的人没有缴纳所得税,而且无论如何都会支持奥巴马。罗姆尼表示,人们依赖认为他们是受害者的政府,这些人相信政府有责任照顾他们。不过罗姆尼后来澄清自己的这番言论“完全错误”。

It is understood that Mother Jones is an independent non-profit website founded in 1976, which has conducted a large number of investigations on political corruption, private prisons and the environment. In September 2012, Mother Jones reported Mitt Romney's remarks about "47%". A video shows that the Republican presidential candidate said in a private fund-raising campaign that 47% of those who support President Obama have not paid income taxes and will support him anyway. Romney said people rely on governments that see them as victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to take care of them. However, Romney later clarified that his remarks were "totally wrong".

对于这一事件,Facebook并未没有立即回复The Verge的置评请求。


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