
Sensor Tower商店情报平台数据显示,截至2020年12月15日,全球用户支出排名前十的娱乐应用在App Store和Google Play的总收入达到58.2亿美元,同比增长61.8%。下载量排名前十的娱乐应用总共获得24.6亿次下载,较去年同期增长22.5%。

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In terms of user spending, jitter and TikTok replaced Netflix tiktok with $1 billion 260 million in revenue, which has won 590% of the world's entertainment applications revenue championship. 88.3% of the revenue comes from tiktok iOS, and TikTok users in the US and Turkey contribute 6.5% and 1.4% of their revenues respectively.


地区方面, iOS用户在前十款娱乐应用的支出达到28.1亿美元,占49.3%。美国和日本用户的支出排名第2和第3,分别占27.4%和2.6%。