
居家抗疫的其中一个变化,就是不少人开始更多使用计算机而非手机,而Instagram似乎也留意到这个趋势, 近除了开放 的消息功能之外,原来更将观看直播的功能扩展至 。


虽然Instagram方面未有正式公布,但有用户发现在 的Instagram上,也终于可以观看即时直播的节目,对于双人直播也同样支持。相比起手机App, 由于画面更大,留言可以分开显示而不会遮住直播画面,对于惯用计算机屏幕的用户而言相当方便。

Although instagram has not been officially announced, some users have found that they can finally watch live programs on the web version of instagram, and they also support live shows for two people. Compared with the mobile app, the webpage version has a larger screen, so messages can be displayed separately without covering the live screen, which is quite convenient for users who are accustomed to using the computer screen.


的使用方式也十分简单,只要点击打开想看的直播节目就可以。随着消息和直播功能开放到 ,未来可能会有更多功能加入,让Instagram的 越来越接近App版本。