

Facebook公司首席运营官雪莉·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)在一篇博文中宣布了他们的这个计划:“过去几周中,我们不得不面对一个现实,黑人社区成员每天都在面临暴力和不公正的待遇。我们此前已经通过言语向朋友、同事和社区表达了支持,我们还需要采取实际行动。”

Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer, announced the plan in a blog post: "in the past few weeks, we have had to face the reality that members of the black community are facing violence and injustice every day. We have already expressed our support to our friends, colleagues and the community through words, and we still need to take practical actions. "

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2019年Facebook公司发布的多样性报告显示,当前,公司3.8%的员工为黑人,而公司 领导层中黑人的占比只有3.1%。

此外,Facebook还将在其应用中添加一个新的版块,版块的名称为“Lift Black Voices”,新版块将聚焦有关黑人的报道,并且在其中提供教育资源。


在宣布新计划之前,Facebook遭到了自家员工和商业合作伙伴的批评,因为他们并未删除美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在该平台上发布的不当言论,特朗普此前曾在Facebook平台上对“Black Live Matter”活动抗议者表示:“打砸开始,射击开始”。部分Facebook员工认为特朗普的言论违反了公司的“禁止使用鼓励暴力行为的语言”的社区标准。

Before the announcement of the new plan, Facebook was criticized by its employees and business partners for not deleting improper remarks made by US President Donald Trump on the platform, which had previously told "black live matter" activists on the Facebook platform: "smashing starts, shooting starts.". Some Facebook employees believe Trump's comments violate the company's community standard of "prohibiting the use of language that encourages violence.".