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独联体今日获悉,字节跳动CEO张一鸣今日在公司内部发布内部邮件。通报了 近以来针对于本公司旗下产品Tik Tok的一系列状况。
在邮件中,张一鸣确认了Tik Tok美国业务面临被CFIUS强迫要求出售的可能性,或因行政命令让Tik Tok产品在美国被封标。他在邮件中明确表示:一年来,我们一直积极配CFIUSC对我们2017年底收购MUSICAL.LY的项目调查,尽管一再强调我们是一家私营企业,并愿意采取更多的技术方案来消除顾虑。但CFIUS还是认定字节跳动必须出售Tik Tok美国业务。他表示考虑到当前的大环境,尽管不认同这个决定,但也必须面对CFIUS的决定和美国总统的行政命令。并因此与一家科技公司就合作方案做初步讨论。
In the email, Zhang Yiming confirmed that Tik tok's U.S. business may be forced to sell by CFIUS, or Tik tok products may be sealed in the U.S. due to an administrative order. He made it clear in the email: over the past year, we have been actively cooperating with cfiusc to investigate the project of our acquisition of music.ly at the end of 2017, although we have repeatedly stressed that we are a private enterprise and are willing to take more technical solutions to eliminate concerns. However, CFIUS still believes that Tik tok's US business must be sold. He said that in view of the current environment, although he did not agree with the decision, he had to face the Cfius decision and the executive order of the US president. Therefore, we have a preliminary discussion with a technology company on the cooperation plan.
[ig粉丝营销平台] https://www.jiafake.com1.用户,Tik,Tok不仅仅是字节跳动产品。它应该是全球用户的社区,所以我们不会把它当成没有生命的资产。在这个过程中,我们会尽力保证TikTok的独特存在。我希望Tik的用户体验不会受到影响。
3、公司,我们希望为inspire creativity&enrich life的愿景继续努力。像产品演化一样不断改进,成为一家优秀的全球化企业。
在邮件的 后,张一鸣表示当前还没有完全决定 后的解决方案。但希望大家能够在喧嚣和挑战中,保持依旧好的士气。信任公司能够在复杂局面下做出好的判断。而大概也是为了鼓舞士气,其在发布邮件之后还在公司内部的群转发了一篇公众号“西西弗评论”的文章《是无奈的退让,但不是跪倒:再聊聊字节跳动被迫出售Tik Tok美国业务》。
At the end of the email, Zhang Yiming said that the final solution has not yet been completely decided. But I hope you can keep good morale in the noise and challenges. Trust companies to make good judgments in complex situations. And it is probably to boost morale. After sending the mail, it sent a official account of "Sisyphus" to the company's internal group. "It is a helpless concession, but not kneeling down: then chatting about the beating of the byte, forced to sell Tik Tok American business".
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