🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - On July 3, Facebook quietly tested and launched instagram reels, a product similar to tiktok, to compete with other "tiktok substitutes" in India. Recently, the lasso app, which Facebook first tried to compete with tiktok, officially announced that it would be closed on July 10, less than two years after Facebook first launched the app in November 2018.🟨🟧🟩🟦
7月3日消息,日前,Facebook悄然测试并推出了一款类似TikTok的产品Instagram Reels,与印度本土其他“TikTok替代者”竞争。而在近日,Facebook 试图与TikTok抗衡的名为Lasso的应用程序才正式宣告将在7月10日关闭,这距离Facebook在2018年11月 启动该应用不到两年。
[ig粉丝营销平台] https://www.jiafake.comOn July 3, Facebook quietly tested and launched instagram reels, a product similar to tiktok, to compete with other "tiktok substitutes" in India. Recently, the lasso app, which Facebook first tried to compete with tiktok, officially announced that it would be closed on July 10, less than two years after Facebook first launched the app in November 2018.
据外媒报道,在放弃Lasso后,Facebook决定全力加码Instagram Reels。目前,Instagram Reels正在印度进行测试,用户使用Instagram Reels可以录制15秒带有音乐和音频剪辑的短视频,该功能与TikTok的极为相似。据了解,Reels作为一种功能格式一直以来镶嵌于Instagram中, 早于去年11月在巴西推出,还扩展到了法国和德国,并将计划在更多 /地区开始测试Reels的更新版本。
TikTok目前已是大量印度人的谋生手段,如今TikTok在印度封禁后,依靠TikTok的创作者开始向Instagram进行转移。由于Instagram Reels与TikTok的相似性,外媒称,Instagram Reels的推出将对于Facebook具有战略意义,会吸引更多与TikTok受众类似的千禧一代和Z世代的用户人群,同时也这可能是Facebook抓住TikTok剩余市场的一大机会。
此外,诸如Chingari和Mitron等其他对标TikTok的印度本土替代应用也在崛起。禁令一出,Chingari的下载量在一夜之间上升,以每小时十万的下载量在增长,目前其在Google Play商店中实现了超1000万次下载,在这一周以来,它已成为Google Play商店排名前2位的免费应用之一。外媒称,总部位于孟买的Zee Entertainment Enterprises也将在未来两个月内推出一个类似于TikTok的名为HiPi短视频平台。
It is understood that at present, tiktok and its helo and other applications have been taken off the shelves, and the possible loss caused by this to the byte beating with more than 200 million tiktok users in India is as high as 45 billion rupees (US $6 billion). According to public information, last year, China announced plans to invest $1 billion in India and set up a data center. So far, it has 2000 employees in India.
此外,据外媒报道,目前被封禁的Club Factory,以及Shein仍可在Google Play商店中使用,并且可以访问。
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