tg群 Instagram将在美国隐藏点赞数 已挑选部分用户测试

🟨🟧🟩🟦『』 - 从4月开始,Instagram已经在部分地区隐藏Like统计数字,先从加拿大开始,然后扩散到日本、巴西。美国是Instagram 大的市场,用户数超过1.06亿。- ig粉丝营销平台- tg买粉丝|telegram刷粉 提供高效,便捷的社交营销服务🟨🟧🟩🟦

instagram 网页 版


In the morning of November 11, Beijing time, instagram, Facebook's photo sharing app, is preparing to adjust its policy in the United States in order to reduce the competitive pressure of users, hiding the "like" Statistics in the post so that users can't see them; At present, instagram has selected some American users for testing.

从4月开始,Instagram已经在部分地区隐藏Like统计数字,先从加拿大开始,然后扩散到日本、巴西。美国是Instagram 大的市场,用户数超过1.06亿。





一些Instagram名人也认为,没有Like用户可能会更健康。周三时,金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)参加会议时说:“新举措的确有益。”卡戴珊在Instagram有1.51亿追随者,她发的帖子经常收到100多万个Like。卡戴珊还说Instagram已经与一些用户讨论此事,听取他们的意见,她很欣赏Instagram的做法。

近年来,手机沉迷、线上健康问题越来越严重,Instagram、Facebook、Twitter成为众矢之的。迫于压力,社交媒体公司将产品“健康”摆到重要位置。例如,Instagram推出一个功能,允许用户在某 限制使用App的时间。苹果谷歌也为iPhone添加类似功能。Twitter已经推出测试版程序,将互动统计数据隐藏。

In recent years, mobile phone addiction and online health problems have become more and more serious, and instagram, Facebook and twitter have become the targets of public criticism. Under pressure, social media companies put "health" of their products in an important position. For example, instagram has introduced a feature that allows users to limit the amount of time they use the app on a certain day. Apple and Google have added similar features to the iPhone. Twitter has launched a beta program to hide interactive statistics.

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