tg群 Instagram推出了“跟踪类别”服务

🟨🟧🟩🟦『』 - Instagram, I'm going to tell you now who you're least likely to contact if you don't want to pay attention to them. To help you keep your feed clean and relevant, instagram today launched the tracking category, which divides the people you follow into groups, including "most common in feed" and "least interactive.". In this way, if someone annoying or boring occupies your content, or someone's content you have proved not interested in, you can easily delete them. Now it's time to cut back on the courtesy and compassion.🟨🟧🟩🟦

Instagram我现在会告诉你谁是你 不经常接触的人,如果你想不关注他们的话。为了帮助你保持饲料的清洁和相关性,今天Instagram推出了“跟踪类别”,将你跟踪的人分成几批,包括“在feed中 常见的”和“ 少互动的”。这样的话,如果某个烦人或无聊的人占据了你的内容,或者有人的内容你已经证明不感兴趣,你可以很容易地删除他们。接下来是削减这些礼貌和怜悯的时候了。    

Instagram, I'm going to tell you now who you're least likely to contact if you don't want to pay attention to them. To help you keep your feed clean and relevant, instagram today launched the tracking category, which divides the people you follow into groups, including "most common in feed" and "least interactive.". In this way, if someone annoying or boring occupies your content, or someone's content you have proved not interested in, you can easily delete them. Now it's time to cut back on the courtesy and compassion.     

instagram 网页 版

一位发言人告诉我,“Instagram实际上是让你更接近你关心的人和事——但我们知道,随着时间的推移,你的兴趣和关系会演变和改变。”。“无论你是毕业,搬到一个新的城市,还是沉迷于一种新的兴趣并找到一个社区,我们都想让你在Instagram上的账户管理变得更容易,这样它们才能 好地代表你当前的关系和兴趣。”  

如果你想访问这个功能,请转移到你的个人信息,然后跟随,然后你会看到你可以浏览的类别。您也可以按照 早到 晚的顺序对您所关注的人进行排序,否则您也可以排除您 早添加的人,或确保您真正关心您所关注的 新人。


Instagram 自动按赞




Following up or adding questioners has become a part of the modern social contract. It can be rude and lead to dramatic rejection, so people just inflate their list below. Manual sorting, trying to remember who is who, if you see them often or ignore them often, can be a slow and emotional chore. Instagram is now 10 years old, twitter 14 and Facebook 16, and we've accidentally messed up our social graph for a long time.   



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