🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - With the November 12 deadline yet to come, the company agreed to sell 20% of the new US company tiktok global to Oracle and Wal Mart. The deal describes Oracle as a "trusted technology provider", which means that byte beating may transfer some of tiktok's functions to Oracle's cloud platform. Oracle will also be able to check tiktok's US source code, but byte skipping will not transfer algorithms and technology to Oracle.🟨🟧🟩🟦
据知情人士透露,TikTok已经有数周未与特朗普政府的在美外国投资委员会(CFIUS)进行有意义的对话。该公司高管目前仍有兴趣与甲骨文公司建立技术合作伙伴关系,以解决 安全问题——即便当选总统乔·拜登不在意TikTok的问题。
Tiktok has not had a meaningful dialogue with the trump administration's Committee on foreign investment in the United States (CFIUS) for several weeks, according to people familiar with the matter. Executives are still interested in building a technology partnership with Oracle to address national security issues - even if President elect Joe Biden doesn't care about tiktok.
“这一年来,TikTok一直积极配合CFIUS的工作,诚心实意地解决 安全问题,哪怕我们并不同意CFIUS的评估,”TikTok在一份声明中写道,“自从总统 初同意了我们建议的解决方案以来,已经过去约有两个月,我们也提供了详细的解决方案去达成 终的协议,但始终未就我们的广泛数据隐私和安全架构获得实质性反馈。”
今年8月14日,CFIUS发布其裁决,要求字节跳动在90天内剥离美国资产,“除非该日期延长但 长延长期限不会超过30天”。
这个命令引发了一系列事件。 ,有传言说字节跳动会把它在美国,加拿大,新西兰和澳大利亚的TikTok资产卖给微软或者甲骨文。随后, 政府要求字节跳动在向国外实体出售TikTok之前获得许可,从而中断交易。
鉴于11月12日的截止日期还没到,字节跳动同意将新成立的美国公司TikTok Global的20%出售给甲骨文和沃尔玛。该交易将甲骨文描述为“可信赖的技术供应商”,意味着字节跳动可能会将部分TikTok的功能转移到甲骨文的云平台上。甲骨文也将可以检查TikTok在美国的源代码,但字节跳动不会将算法和技术转让给甲骨文。
With the November 12 deadline yet to come, the company agreed to sell 20% of the new US company tiktok global to Oracle and Wal Mart. The deal describes Oracle as a "trusted technology provider", which means that byte beating may transfer some of tiktok's functions to Oracle's cloud platform. Oracle will also be able to check tiktok's US source code, but byte skipping will not transfer algorithms and technology to Oracle.
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