tg群 口罩面膜意外成为爆款!在TikTok上被播放超过160万次,亚马逊也即将售罄!此外,免费为TikTok添加点赞,获取更多粉丝的服

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据ig粉丝营销平台报道,TikToker@Alexa Johnson的飞机护肤技巧在网上引发热议。视频中,@Alexa Johnson提到她计划在感恩节飞往父母家,为了避免因连续戴口罩4.5小时而导致脸部皮肤干燥和龟裂,她采取了贴敷片状面膜的护肤措施,在飞行途中给肌肤做了一次护理。

#site_ Name # learned that, TikToker@Alexa In the video, @ Alexa Johnson said that she would visit her parents by plane on Thanksgiving. In order to prevent her face from feeling dry and chapped due to the irritation of the cloth caused by wearing the mask for 4.5 hours, she took off the mask and put on a piece of facial mask, and completed a wave of skin care in a long flight time.add likes to tik tok free,tik tok followers panel


短短两天@Alexa Johnson观看护肤视频的次数超过160万次。受到大量旅游爱好者和度假者的广泛赞誉。包括在TikTok拥有700万粉丝Z 世代护肤权威Hyram口罩口罩的概念也叫天才思想。



@Alexa Johnson介绍了视频中使用的面膜Masque Bar Shield,这个面膜在美国 Target、在英国的 ASOS(如上图所示)Feel Unique 和亚马逊一样,价格是3.99 英镑。这款面膜在亚马逊上的五星好评率高达67%,而且库存紧急,只剩下7份,如下图所示:


ig粉丝营销平台了解到,与熟悉的全脸面膜类似,采用一次性包装的Masque Bar Shield仅仅只有口罩大小 。里面有一张薄薄的生物纤维素片,浸泡在舒缓的透明质酸、芦荟和金盏花中。根据标签介绍:Masque Bar Shield 只能佩戴 20 到 30 分钟,是长途旅行者补充皮肤水分的不二之选。ig粉丝营销平台也认为是个颇具卖点的产品,卖家不妨多关注。

#site_ Name # learned that, similar to the familiar full face facial mask, the masque bar shield with disposable packaging is only the size of a mask. Inside, there is a thin piece of bio cellulose, soaked in soothing hyaluronic acid, aloe vera and marigold. According to the label, masque bar shield can only be worn for 20 to 30 minutes. It is the best choice for long-distance travelers to replenish skin moisture# site_ Name # is also considered to be a selling point product, and the seller may pay more attention to it.add likes to tik tok free,tik tok followers panel

小编✎   Estella/eBay123


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