
据外媒报道,Instagram现在将Guides(指南)扩展到每位用户手中,它将让用户更容易找到、策划和分享他们 喜欢的Instagram账号上的产品、地点和帖子。今年5月,在新冠全球大流行的大背景下,该公司曾推出了以健康为重点的指南。其中一些 初的指南来自心理健康机构American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and Heads Together。

According to foreign media reports, instagram now extends its guides to every user, making it easier for users to find, plan and share products, places and posts on their favorite instagram account. In May this year, in the context of the new crown global pandemic, the company launched a health focused guide. Some of the original guidelines came from the American Foundation for demand prevention and heads together, a mental health organization.

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Guides本质上就是一个在Instagram上分享和消费内容的新工具,它为用户带来发布带有照片和视频的更长格式内容的方法。另外,它还将帮助用户找到他们所关注用户推荐的内容。用户可以在用户配置文件中找到Guides,并在Stories和DM中共享它们。Product Guides可能会出现在Instagram Shop中进而让用户发现他们可能还没有关注的人的新产品。当用户在浏览Guides时可以查看创作者精心策划的帖子和视频以及有用的提示和建议。他们可以点击图片或视频来查看原始的Instagram帖子。

Guides is essentially a new tool for sharing and consuming content on instagram, which gives users a way to publish longer format content with photos and videos. In addition, it will help users find the content recommended by the users they care about. Users can find guides in the user profile and share them in stories and DM. Product guides may appear in instagram shop to let users discover new products of people they may not have followed. When browsing guides, users can view the author's carefully planned posts and videos, as well as useful tips and suggestions. They can click on images or videos to see the original instagram post.






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