TikTok 将保护欧洲用户隐私责任移交给两家分公司


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According to these changes, the service providers of European Economic Area (EEA) and Swiss users will be changed to tiktok Ireland branch, and the UK office will be responsible for providing services to UK users. In addition, tiktok UK will become a data control agency for users in the European economic area, Switzerland and the UK.


TikTok在声明中称:“自从在欧洲推出以来,我们对当地人才进行了投资,创建了地区 领导团队,并在该地区建立了基本的业务职能,因为我们相信这是支持我们在这里不断增长的TikTok社区的 佳方式。从7月29日起,TikTok的爱尔兰和英国分公司将接替美国分公司,为欧洲用户提供服务,并管理和保护他们的个人数据。”


Tiktok has more than 1000 employees in Europe, 800 of whom work in the UK and Ireland. London remains tiktok's main office and the company's second largest. In January, the company said it would build a new European base in Dublin, employing 100 employees. Since its establishment more than three years ago, tiktok has gained about 1 billion users, especially among young users.

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