tg群 TikTok出新招!跨境电商卖家可以如何利用

🟨🟧🟩🟦『』 - The outbreak has made the social media and e-commerce industry develop rapidly. Friends who pay attention to overseas social media should find that the updates of overseas social media are moving towards the direction of integration with e-commerce. FB has just officially launched its own store, and tiktok has recently announced its combination with teespring, an e-commerce platform that allows people to create and sell custom clothes. This will allow tiktok creators to sell products designed directly by themselves to their fans.🟨🟧🟩🟦

疫情的来袭使得社交媒体和电商行业都有了飞速的发展,关注海外社交媒体的朋友们应该都发现了,现在海外社媒的更新都朝着与电商融合的方向在走。FB前不久刚刚正式推出了自己的商店,而TikTok也在 近宣布了自己和Teespring的结合,Teespring是一个电子商务平台,允许人们创建和销售定制服装。这将使得TikTok的创作者可以将自己直接设计的商品出售给粉丝。

The outbreak has made the social media and e-commerce industry develop rapidly. Friends who pay attention to overseas social media should find that the updates of overseas social media are moving towards the direction of integration with e-commerce. FB has just officially launched its own store, and tiktok has recently announced its combination with teespring, an e-commerce platform that allows people to create and sell custom clothes. This will allow tiktok creators to sell products designed directly by themselves to their fans.

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根据The Verge的报道,TikTok与Teespring的合作似乎正中视频创作者们的下怀,不少TikTok创作者已经与Teespring合作,开始创造可以出售给粉丝们的商品,而且这个操作对于TikTok创作者来说是简单的,只要他们在Teespring上创建自己的产品,将其直接推向TikTok,然后粉丝就能够直接通过TikTok购买产品。


在总结经验教训时,短视频应用Vine的创始人RusyYusupov曾提出,没有为创作者在平台上增加更多的盈利工具是他们的错误之一。同时,他还为TikTok提供了一些前车之鉴: 内容订阅、应用内购物、游戏等都可以成为TikTok创作者的盈利工具,而TikTok需要不断扩展这些工具。

事实上,这些也是TikTok正在做的事情,它从去年下半年开始就在平台上尝试添加电商工具,Small Gestures礼物计划就是它做的 个尝试。实际上,TikTok与Teespring的合作在面临海外社媒纷纷想在短视频市场分一杯羹的压力之下也是必然的。

In fact, these are what tiktok is doing. It has tried to add e-commerce tools on the platform since the second half of last year, and the small gifts program is its first attempt. In fact, the cooperation between tiktok and teespring is inevitable under the pressure of overseas social media trying to get a share in the short video market.

如何在自己的平台上为创作者增加获利工具是TikTok现在面临的主要挑战,在它之前,还没有其他平台能成功地利用短视频内容获利,与Teepspring合作是它应对挑战的 步。



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