🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - Video marketing has become a trend now. Of course, we can also conduct video marketing on instagram and Facebook, but tiktok is entirely video. Advertisers can establish contact with users through voice. With Facebook and instagram, users are usually browsing pictures and texts, and are unlikely to turn on sound.🟨🟧🟩🟦
我们知道,tiktok上大多数的内容创建者都是Z世代,就误以为tiktok的用户普遍年龄都在16到24岁之间。其实不是的,在tiktok中大概有41%的用户是出于这个年龄段,但还有59%处于其它年龄段。数据显示,在过去的一年多,美国的TikTok成人用户数量增长了5.5倍,并在2020年 季度获得了超过同期任何其他应用的下载量。电子商务,流媒体服务和应用程序下载等业务,在tiktok中非常普遍,此外服饰和时尚行业在tiktok中也备受用户的青睐。
We know that most of the content creators on tiktok are generation Z, and they mistakenly think that the average age of tiktok users is between 16 and 24. Actually, it's not. About 41% of tiktok users are in this age group, but 59% are in other age groups. According to the data, the number of tiktok adult users in the United States has increased 5.5 times in the past year and in the first quarter of 2020, it has obtained more downloads than any other application in the same period. E-commerce, streaming media services and application downloading are very common in tiktok. In addition, the clothing and fashion industries are also favored by users in tiktok.
[ig粉丝营销平台] https://www.jiafake.com四、tiktok适合影响者营销
与TiKTok创作者合作是一种有影响力的营销方式,它可以使我们通过潜力 大的内容来推广我们的品牌。接与内容创建者合作,用原生视频或消息的形式进行推广,能够在粉丝中产生共鸣,从而达到一个好的营销效果。
Video marketing has become a trend now. Of course, we can also conduct video marketing on instagram and Facebook, but tiktok is entirely video. Advertisers can establish contact with users through voice. With Facebook and instagram, users are usually browsing pictures and texts, and are unlikely to turn on sound.
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