tg群 短视频应用Triller和资本管理公司Centricus计划竞购TikTok美国业务

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文丨Sylvia Ma


据彭博社报道,总部位于伦敦的全球投资公司Centricus和短视频应用Triller正在联手,寻求以200亿美元收购TikTok在美国等 的业务。

The Verge报道称,自特朗普发布行政禁令以来TikTok的命运一直悬而未决(特朗普于8月初在Triller上开设账户)。

多家公司表示有兴趣收购TikTok在美国等 的业务。微软、甲骨文是 早表示希望购入TikTok业务的公司,它们正与字节跳动进行谈判。此后,微软宣布与沃尔玛达成合作,进行共同竞购。Twitter和Netflix就可能的收购机会进行过讨论,Alphabet首席执行官皮查伊则明确表示没有参与竞购。

Several companies have expressed interest in acquiring tiktok's operations in countries such as the United States. Microsoft and Oracle are the first companies to say they want to buy the tiktok business, and they are negotiating with byte beat. Since then, Microsoft announced a cooperation with Wal Mart for a joint bid. Twitter and Netflix discussed possible acquisition opportunities, while alphabet chief executive Peter Chay made it clear that he was not involved in the bid.


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