🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - “我不知道纳瓦罗此次是以白宫官员的身份还是以‘罗恩·瓦拉’(注:纳瓦罗曾被媒体披露在其书中多次引用自己杜撰的专家“罗恩·瓦拉”)的身份在发表言论。”华春莹回应说,“他声称所有的数据都可以经过社交软件进入 军队、进入 共产党,不知道证据何在?能不能拿出证据给大家看看?如果拿不出来,那就是纳瓦罗在往自己可耻的谎言单上又增加了一条。”🟨🟧🟩🟦
中新网北京7月13日电(黄钰钦)“美国自诩拥有强大的价值观,可是为何现在却对一个年轻人喜欢的、轻松分享娱乐视频的社交媒体如此害怕?”针对美方近日称不排除将禁止TikTok和WeChat, 外交部发言人华春莹13日在例行记者会上回应说。
有记者提问,美国白宫 贸易和制造业政策办公室主任纳瓦罗12日在接受采访时称,美国人民必须明白,所有的数据都通过那些受孩子们喜欢的移动应用程序,例如TikTok,直接进入 服务器、进入 军队、进入 共产党。特朗普政府预计将对这些应用采取强硬行动,不排除美国将禁止两款应用——TikTok和WeChat的可能性。请问中方对此有何评论?
According to a reporter's question, Navarro, director of the White House Office of national trade and manufacturing policy, said in an interview on the 12th that the American people must understand that all data directly enters the Chinese server, the Chinese army and the Communist Party of China through those mobile applications that children like, such as tiktok. The trump administration is expected to take tough action against these apps, and does not rule out the possibility that the United States will ban two apps, tiktok and wechat. What is China's comment on this?
“我不知道纳瓦罗此次是以白宫官员的身份还是以‘罗恩·瓦拉’(注:纳瓦罗曾被媒体披露在其书中多次引用自己杜撰的专家“罗恩·瓦拉”)的身份在发表言论。”华春莹回应说,“他声称所有的数据都可以经过社交软件进入 军队、进入 共产党,不知道证据何在?能不能拿出证据给大家看看?如果拿不出来,那就是纳瓦罗在往自己可耻的谎言单上又增加了一条。”
[ig粉丝营销平台] https://www.jiafake.com“美国自诩拥有强大的价值观,可是为何现在却对一个年轻人喜欢的、轻松分享娱乐视频的社交媒体如此害怕?为何强大的美国会如此脆弱?”华春莹说,“我想这是一个值得大家深思的问题,也是希望纳瓦罗和美国这些官员们认真思考的一个问题。我们希望他们能够跟他们的年轻人进行对话,不要去做贻笑天下的事情。”(完)
"The United States boasts of its strong values, but why is it so afraid of the social media that young people like to share entertainment videos easily? Why is a strong America so vulnerable? " Hua Chunying said, "I think this is a problem worthy of our deep thinking, and it is also a problem that we hope Navarro and the officials of the United States will seriously consider. We hope that they can have a dialogue with their young people and not do things that make the world laugh. "( (end)
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